California Constitution Revision Commission collection 1930-1974 1965-1970


California Constitution Revision Commission collection 1930-1974 1965-1970

This collection consists of the 1963 California Constitution Revision Commission files collected by Donald H. Pflueger while he served as a member of the commission including agendas, minutes, memorandums, correspondence and background material.

5.0 linear feet; (10 manuscript boxes)



SNAC Resource ID: 6654944

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Pflueger, Donald H. (person)

Biography / Administrative History California's first Constitution was adopted in 1849, and the second Constitution was adopted in 1879. This second Constitution was very detailed and quite lengthy. Many unsuccessful attempts subsequently were made to revise the 1879 constitution. Between 1879 and 1962 the Constitution was amended over 300 times, increased from 16,000 to 75,000 words and became the fourth longest constitution in the world. ...